Recent Security News

  • FHE Consortium Pushes for Quantum-Resilient Cryptography Standards

    October 15, 2024 at 06:23PM The FHE Technical Consortium for Hardware (FHETCH) was launched to enhance interoperability of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) hardware and software. This alliance aims to accelerate FHE product development by focusing on practical standards, hardware acceleration, and API abstraction, ensuring secure data processing while maintaining privacy across various industries. ### Meeting…

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  • North Korea Hackers Get Cash Fast in Linux Cyber Heists

    October 15, 2024 at 05:31PM North Korean threat actors are leveraging a Linux variant of the FASTCash malware to conduct a financial cyber campaign, targeting banks and interbank processors. Originally aimed at Windows systems, the malware manipulates transaction messages to authorize unauthorized withdrawals. Researchers recommend enhanced security measures, including chip and PIN requirements for debit…

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  • Amazon says 175 million customer now use passkeys to log in

    October 15, 2024 at 04:54PM Amazon has reported that over 175 million customers now use passkeys, enhancing sign-in speed significantly. Passkeys function as biometric or PIN-based digital credentials, improving security against breaches. Amazon plans to extend this feature to other services, while the FIDO alliance has introduced a new specification for portable passkeys. **Meeting Takeaways:…

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  • Cybercriminals Are Increasingly Helping Russia and China Target the US and Allies, Microsoft Says

    October 15, 2024 at 04:43PM Collaboration between authoritarian governments and criminal hackers poses a significant threat to national security, as highlighted by Microsoft. This partnership, particularly involving Russia and China, has raised concerns among security officials and cybersecurity experts regarding the potential risks to the US and its allies. **Meeting Takeaways:** 1. **Concerns Over Collaboration:**…

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  • Finland seizes servers of ‘Sipultie’ dark web drugs market

    October 15, 2024 at 04:10PM The Finnish Customs office dismantled the darknet marketplace ‘Sipulitie’ by taking down its website and seizing its servers. This action targeted the platform where criminals anonymously sold illegal narcotics. **Meeting Takeaways:** 1. **Action Taken by Finnish Customs**: The Finnish Customs office has successfully shut down the darknet marketplace ‘Sipulitie’. 2.…

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