WebTPA data breach impacts 2.4 million insurance policyholders

WebTPA data breach impacts 2.4 million insurance policyholders

May 17, 2024 at 10:47AM

WebTPA Employer Services (WebTPA) disclosed a data breach impacting nearly 2.5 million individuals, affecting customers of insurance companies like The Hartford, Transamerica, and Gerber Life Insurance. The breach occurred last year but was discovered in December. Personal data including names, contact info, DOBs, SSNs, and insurance info was exposed, prompting WebTPA to offer credit monitoring and identity theft protection.

Based on the meeting notes, the following are the key takeaways:

– WebTPA’s data breach has impacted close to 2.5 million individuals.
– Companies such as The Hartford, Transamerica, and Gerber Life Insurance have customers among the impacted individuals.
– The breach was detected in December, revealing that personal data was accessible between April 18 and April 23, 2023.
– The exposed data includes full name, contact information, date of birth, Social Security Number, and insurance information.
– Financial account information, credit card numbers, medical treatment, and diagnostic information were not exposed.
– WebTPA has notified affected individuals and included instructions for enrolling in credit monitoring and identity theft protection services through Kroll.
– There is no reported misuse of the exposed data, but affected individuals are advised to remain vigilant for potential fraud and to review credit reports carefully.

These are the summarized takeaways from the provided meeting notes.

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