Millions of Websites Susceptible XSS Attack via OAuth Implementation Flaw

Millions of Websites Susceptible XSS Attack via OAuth Implementation Flaw

July 29, 2024 at 08:18AM

Salt Labs, the research arm of API security firm Salt Security, has uncovered a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack affecting numerous websites, including major companies like HotJar and Business Insider. The attack exploits OAuth implementation, potentially leading to complete account takeovers. Salt Labs released its findings and a free scanner to help organizations identify and address vulnerability issues proactively.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. Salt Labs has identified a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack that affects websites using OAuth for social logins.
2. The issue is not with OAuth itself but with the implementation of OAuth within websites.
3. Major firms such as HotJar and Business Insider are specifically mentioned as examples, highlighting the potential widespread impact of the vulnerability.
4. The vulnerability has the potential to lead to complete account takeovers and compromise sensitive user information.
5. Salt Labs has published its findings and has provided a free scanner for organizations to check if their websites are vulnerable to these implementation issues.
6. The vulnerability is widespread and Salt Labs hopes that organizations will proactively address these issues to prevent further problems.

These takeaways summarize the key points from the meeting notes regarding the XSS vulnerability and its implications for website security.

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