Point of entry: Why hackers target stolen credentials for initial access

Point of entry: Why hackers target stolen credentials for initial access

August 6, 2024 at 10:19AM

Increased incidents of stolen credentials have been giving rise to a thriving market for brokering initial access. Stolen credentials are commonly obtained through social engineering and malware, leading to a 24% increase in breaches. Various methods including brute force attacks are used to steal credentials, posing a major threat. Cybersecurity experts recommend stricter password policies and tools like Specops Password Policy and Specops Password Auditor to improve security in organizations.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. Stolen credentials and initial access through weak or reused passwords are a growing threat, with reports of an increase in the market for stolen credentials and their use for unauthorized access.
2. The use of stolen credentials is a common initial action in breaches, highlighting the need for organizations to address this vulnerability.
3. Various methods are used to steal credentials, including malware, phishing, and brute force attacks, as well as exploiting weak password practices.
4. Major breaches, such as the SolarWinds attack, demonstrate the potential danger of stolen credentials and the impact of weak password practices.
5. Cybersecurity experts need to remain vigilant and continuously evolve security measures to reduce the risk of initial access through stolen credentials.

Additionally, the notes highlight the importance of adopting robust password policies, enforcing the use of stronger passwords, and regularly scanning for password vulnerabilities in the Active Directory environment.

It’s evident that proactive measures, such as those offered by Specops Password Policy and Specops Password Auditor, are crucial in addressing the evolving threat landscape concerning stolen credentials and weak passwords.

For further action, consideration of implementing such solutions and best practices to enhance password security and reduce the risk of unauthorized access through stolen credentials is recommended.

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