New CMoon USB worm targets Russians in data theft attacks

New CMoon USB worm targets Russians in data theft attacks

August 7, 2024 at 05:30PM

The ‘CMoon’ self-spreading worm, discovered by Kaspersky researchers, targets high-value entities in Russia via a compromised gas supply company website. It employs malicious document links to distribute itself and exhibits various functionalities such as info-stealing, DDoS attacks, and self-propagation. Kaspersky advises vigilance due to its potential for further distribution.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

– A new self-spreading worm named ‘CMoon’ has been distributed in Russia since early July 2024 via a compromised gas supply company website.
– CMoon can steal account credentials and other data, perform a broad range of functions such as loading additional payloads, capturing screenshots, and launching DDoS attacks.
– The distribution mechanism involves users clicking on links to regulatory documents on the gas supply company’s website, which were replaced by links to malicious executables containing the CMoon payload.
– Once a system is infected, CMoon copies itself to a newly created folder, secures persistence between reboots, monitors and manipulates files on connected USB drives, and targets specific files and directories for stealing data.
– Stolen files and system information are sent to an external server for decryption and verification of integrity using an MD5 hash.
– Kaspersky researchers warn of the possibility of CMoon being distributed through other sites and emphasize the importance of vigilance due to its autonomous spreading capabilities.

Let me know if you need further details or specific action items from these meeting notes.

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