DDoS Attacks Surge 46% in First Half of 2024, Gcore Report Reveals

DDoS Attacks Surge 46% in First Half of 2024, Gcore Report Reveals

August 14, 2024 at 03:09AM

The Gcore Radar Report for H1 2024 shows a 46% increase in DDoS attacks compared to the previous year, with the gaming industry most affected. Attack power has risen, and application-layer attacks pose risks to financial services and e-commerce. The report emphasizes the need for worldwide collaboration to minimize DDoS impact.

Key Takeaways from the meeting notes:

1. Increase in DDoS Attacks:
The number of DDoS attacks in H1 2024 increased by 46% compared to the same period last year, reaching 445K in Q2 2024. This represents a 34% increase compared to Q3–4 2023.

2. Peak Attack Power:
The most powerful DDoS attack in H1 2024 reached 1.7 Tbps, showing a slight increase from 1.6 Tbps in 2023. This indicates a significant gain in power and poses a considerable danger.

3. Most-Attacked Industries:
The gaming and gambling industry accounts for 49% of total attacks, followed by the technology industry at 15%. Financial services, telecom, and e-commerce follow with 12%, 10%, and 7% of the attacks, respectively.

4. Network vs. Application Layer Attacks:
Network-layer attacks (L3–4) have predominantly impacted the gaming, technology, and telecom industries, while application-layer attacks (L7) have significantly affected financial services, e-commerce, and media.

5. Attack Origins and Types:
Identifying the origins of application-layer attacks involves tracing IP addresses to specific countries, while network-layer attacks often involve IP spoofing. Common attack methods include UDP floods for network-layer attacks and HTTP floods for application-layer attacks.

6. Attack Duration:
Most DDoS attacks are brief, with an average duration of under 10 minutes, but their frequency and intensity result in significant operational disruptions. The longest attack in H1 2024 lasted 16 hours, highlighting the need for robust mitigation strategies.

7. Personalized Attacks:
Attackers are increasingly personalizing their methods, targeting specific industries with sophisticated tactics. This trend requires advanced, tailored defensive measures and international cooperation in cyber defense.

8. Conclusion:
The issue of DDoS attacks remains a critical worldwide concern, necessitating global collaboration and the exchange of intelligence to minimize their impact. The evolving nature of DDoS attacks requires a vigilant and proactive defensive posture, with Gcore DDoS Protection providing comprehensive safeguards.

For more insights, the full Gcore Radar report is available.

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