Iranian Hackers Tried but Failed to Interest Biden’s Campaign in Stolen Trump Info, FBI Says

Iranian Hackers Tried but Failed to Interest Biden’s Campaign in Stolen Trump Info, FBI Says

September 19, 2024 at 11:06AM

Iranian hackers attempted to interfere in the 2024 election by sending unsolicited emails with stolen material from Donald Trump’s campaign to people associated with Joe Biden’s campaign. The FBI stated that there’s no evidence of a response from the recipients. Officials have condemned Iran’s interference and highlighted ongoing efforts to safeguard the election.

From the meeting notes, it appears that Iranian hackers attempted to interfere in the 2024 election by targeting individuals associated with President Joe Biden’s campaign with unsolicited emails containing stolen material from rival Donald Trump’s campaign. The FBI and other federal agencies have condemned these efforts and noted that there is no evidence that any recipients responded to the emails.

Furthermore, it was disclosed that the hackers also targeted the Trump campaign and that several media organizations were approached with stolen material but did not publish it. The FBI has informed Trump aides that information hacked by Iran had been sent to the Biden campaign, and this is seen as part of an effort to undermine voter faith in the election and stoke discord.

Both the campaigns of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have cooperated with law enforcement, condemning the interference and considering the Iranian intrusion as active meddling in the election.

Additionally, intelligence officials have stated that Iran opposes Trump’s reelection, and the cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns have been identified and discussed at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, where tech company executives briefed lawmakers on their efforts to safeguard the election from foreign interference.

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