China claims Taiwan, not civilian hackers, behind website vandalism

China claims Taiwan, not civilian hackers, behind website vandalism

September 24, 2024 at 09:31PM

Taiwan denies Chinese allegations that its military was involved in cyber attacks critical of China’s government. China’s Ministry of State Security accused a group called Anonymous64 of being part of Taiwan’s cyber warfare wing, but Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense refuted the claims as “not true”. The ongoing tension reflects the complex relationship between the two entities.

The meeting notes provide a detailed overview of the recent cyber attack allegations made by China against Taiwan. The Chinese Ministry of State Security accused a group called Anonymous64 of engaging in cyber attacks to display anti-government content in China, Hong Kong, and Macao, and claimed that the group was part of Taiwan’s cyber warfare wing. However, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense has denied these allegations, stating that they are not true.

The notes also highlight the ongoing tensions between China and Taiwan, with China viewing Taiwan as a breakaway province and Taiwan considering itself a sovereign nation. It is evident that the situation is complex and sensitive due to the political dynamics at play.

It would be essential to monitor further developments in this situation and to maintain awareness of any potential implications for diplomatic relations and cybersecurity in the region.

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