Agentic AI in SOCs: A Solution to SOAR’s Unfulfilled Promises

Agentic AI in SOCs: A Solution to SOAR's Unfulfilled Promises

September 25, 2024 at 06:27AM

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) was introduced to revolutionize Security Operations Centers (SOCs) through automation, reducing manual workloads and enhancing efficiency. However, despite three generations of technology and 10 years of advancements, SOAR hasn’t fully delivered on its potential. Agentic AI emerges as an alternative to effectively automate SOC operations.

From the meeting notes, it’s clear that the organization sees potential for Agentic AI to address the limitations of existing SOAR technologies and revolutionize SOC operations. Agentic AI is positioned as a solution that focuses on automating “thinking tasks” in the triage and investigation phases of SOC operations, which remain challenging for traditional SOAR platforms. It utilizes large language models (LLMs) and generative AI to emulate human cognitive processes, thereby promising to deliver fully automated triage and investigation processes.

The different AI solutions marketed for the SOC were also discussed, outlining the distinctions between analytics/ML models, co-pilots (chatbots), and Agentic AI. It’s worth noting that Agentic AI aims to go beyond assistance and act as an autonomous AI SOC analyst, capable of completing entire workflows and delivering fully executed work units, providing human analysts with decision-ready results.

The discussion also touched on the potential benefits of adopting an Agentic AI approach, including the ability to identify more attacks, reduce mean time to respond (MTTR), boost productivity, and improve analyst morale and retention. These potential benefits indicate that an Agentic AI approach could significantly enhance both operational efficiency and team morale within the SOC.

The Agentic AI approach to SOC automation is presented as a transparent, thorough, and accurate solution, leveraging specialized AI agents to ensure high accuracy rates. It can also provide detailed records of all its actions, enhancing transparency and auditability.

Finally, the meeting notes also introduced Radiant Security as a leading provider of AI SOC analysts, offering AI-powered analysis of alerts and delivering decision-ready incident summaries, root cause analyses, and response plans in just three minutes. This demonstrates the real-world use case of Agentic AI in SOC operations and offers the opportunity to explore a live demonstration of AI SOC analyst capabilities.

In summary, the meeting notes highlight a strong interest in Agentic AI as a solution for SOC automation, emphasizing its potential to address the limitations of current SOAR technologies and deliver significant benefits to SOC operations.

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