Beware: Scam-as-a-Service Aiding Cybercriminals in Crypto Wallet-Draining Attacks

Beware: Scam-as-a-Service Aiding Cybercriminals in Crypto Wallet-Draining Attacks

December 30, 2023 at 04:42AM

Cybersecurity researchers are cautioning about a surge in phishing attacks targeting cryptocurrency wallets, utilizing a technique to drain multiple blockchain networks. Notably, a group called Angel Drainer offers a “scam-as-a-service” for a percentage of stolen assets. To combat this, users are advised to use hardware wallets, verify smart contracts, and monitor wallet allowances regularly.

After reviewing the meeting notes, the key points on cryptocurrency and phishing scam threats are as follows:

– Cybersecurity researchers warn of increasing phishing attacks targeting a wide range of blockchain networks, draining cryptocurrency wallets using techniques like airdrop or phishing scams.
– Notorious phishing groups such as Angel Drainer and Inferno Drainer are offering scam-as-a-service, charging a percentage of the stolen amount to provide wallet-draining scripts and services.
– Scam Sniffer, a Web3 anti-scam solution provider, describes vendors specializing in multi-chain scams and charging a percentage of the stolen assets, with recent instances including phishing scams via counterfeit websites and malicious smart contracts.

To mitigate these risks, users are advised to employ hardware wallets for enhanced security, verify the legitimacy of smart contracts, and periodically review wallet allowances for signs of suspicious activity.

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