New DLL Search Order Hijacking Technique Targets WinSxS folder

New DLL Search Order Hijacking Technique Targets WinSxS folder

January 2, 2024 at 10:36AM

Security Joes discovered a new DLL search order hijacking technique allowing adversaries to execute malicious code in Windows’ WinSxS folder. The technique abuses applications’ search order, leading to the loading of a malicious DLL before the legitimate library. Attackers can inject unauthorized code into trusted processes, effectively bypassing security tools. This method can target Windows 10 and 11 systems.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. The discussed DLL search order hijacking technique allows attackers to load and execute malicious code in Windows applications within the WinSxS folder, potentially deceiving security tools and analysts.

2. Attackers can manipulate the loading process of DLLs to inject unauthorized code within the memory space of a trusted process, exploiting vulnerabilities and potentially targeting vulnerable executables located in the WinSxS folder.

3. By deliberately targeting files in the WinSxS folder, attackers can make their attacks stealthier and eliminate the need for dropping additional binaries or obtaining high privileges to execute code within Windows applications.

4. This technique simplifies the infection chain relying on DLL search order hijacking and can be used to target Windows 10 and 11 systems.

If you have any further questions or need more detailed information, feel free to ask.

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