Protecting Critical Infrastructure Means Getting Back to Basics

Protecting Critical Infrastructure Means Getting Back to Basics

January 8, 2024 at 10:02AM

Critical infrastructure organizations are both more efficient and more vulnerable due to dramatic changes in technology and cybersecurity landscapes. The integration of IoT, smart devices, and OT with IT operations onto cloud platforms streamlines operations but also increases susceptibility to cyberattacks. Rigorous asset management, simulations, and response readiness are crucial for defending against these threats.

The meeting notes highlight the evolving landscape of technology and cybersecurity for critical infrastructure organizations and the increasing vulnerability to cyberattacks. It emphasizes the convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT), leading to improved operations and increased vulnerability. The importance of practicing the basics of security, conducting simulations, and understanding potential attack paths is stressed. It also emphasizes that while nation-state actors may get headlines, most organizations should be more concerned about opportunistic criminals seeking profitable attacks.

The notes also focus on the importance of asset management, simulation exercises, and practicing response readiness to improve the security posture of critical infrastructure organizations. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need for tighter security programs, vendor support for response readiness, and improving the skills of existing staff to address the challenges in cybersecurity.

Finally, it emphasizes the need for critical infrastructure organizations to recognize the changing landscapes, perform rigorous asset management, and conduct simulations to enable their security teams to defend against modern and complex cyber threats.

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