Locking down the edge

Locking down the edge

January 16, 2024 at 03:22PM

As operational functions move to distributed sites and devices, edge security becomes a growing concern. Hosting data at edge locations presents increased vulnerabilities, especially in sectors like healthcare and manufacturing. Edge breaches can have severe consequences and require high-level cybersecurity protection. Dell Technologies’ webinar discusses these challenges and proposes a Zero Trust approach for edge protection.

From the meeting notes provided, it’s clear that edge security is a growing concern due to the expansion of attack surfaces and the vulnerability of network edges. The notes highlight the greater risks faced by data in edge locations, such as airports, factories, power plants, and hospitals, compared to centralized datacenters. Long supply chains and the lack of dedicated IT security professionals at edge locations exacerbate the security vulnerabilities. The potential consequences of a data breach at the edge are emphasized, including the heavy price for affected organizations and the immediate disruption to people’s lives.

The notes also mention a webinar presented by Jeroen Mackenbach from Dell Technologies, which discusses the need to reimagine edge protection with a Zero Trust approach. This approach involves constant device verification, complete visibility of data and devices, and automation at massive scale. The webinar outlines Dell’s NativeEdge platform and its role in restoring trust at the edge, reducing attack surfaces, and providing visibility and automation.

The webinar provides a detailed understanding of the challenges and potential solutions for edge security. If you’re interested in learning more, you can watch the webinar by clicking the link provided.

Commissioned by Dell.

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