February 9, 2024 at 02:23PM
The Canadian government plans to ban the Flipper Zero and similar devices due to concerns about their potential use by thieves to steal cars. Despite the company’s claims that the device cannot be used to steal modern cars, Canadian authorities are taking steps to prohibit the importation, sale, and use of such consumer hacking devices.
Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:
1. The Canadian government plans to ban the importation, sale, and use of consumer hacking devices such as the Flipper Zero, citing concerns about the device being used for car theft and other criminal activities.
2. The government has expressed particular concern about the increasing car theft rates in Canada and the role of devices like the Flipper Zero in facilitating these thefts.
3. Flipper Devices, the company behind the Flipper Zero, has argued that the device cannot be used to steal vehicles built after the 1990s due to the security systems in place in newer cars, including rolling codes.
4. Amazon has banned the sale of the Flipper Zero since April 2023, following allegations of its use as a card skimming device and seizures by the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency.
These points highlight the regulatory and industry responses to the perceived risks associated with devices like the Flipper Zero and the ongoing debate about their potential misuse.