ALPHV blackmails Canadian pipeline over claims it stole 190GB of vital info

ALPHV blackmails Canadian pipeline over claims it stole 190GB of vital info

February 13, 2024 at 02:29PM

Canada’s Trans-Northern Pipelines was allegedly targeted by the ALPHV/BlackCat ransomware group, claiming to have stolen 190GB of data, including vital information. This intrusion draws comparisons to the 2021 Colonial Pipeline attack. ALPHV has also targeted other critical infrastructure organizations, prompting calls for improved cybersecurity measures to prevent catastrophic attacks on essential systems.

The meeting notes highlight a breach by the ALPHV/BlackCat ransomware crew, who claim to have stolen 190 GB of data from Canada’s Trans-Northern Pipelines. This has raised concerns due to the potential similarity to the 2021 Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, which resulted in fuel shortages on the US East Coast. A threat analyst noted the connection of ALPHV to previous ransomware operations, including the attack on Lower Valley Energy, a US utility cooperative, and other critical infrastructure organizations.

The notes also mention warnings from governments about the potential of destructive cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, including China’s Volt Typhoon compromising IT environments across various sectors in the United States. The risks posed by these cyber threats extend to the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand energy systems, according to a recent warning from the Five Eyes.

Overall, these meeting notes highlight the urgent need for better securing critical infrastructure, as the threat of significant or catastrophic cyber attacks looms.

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