SASE Solutions Fall Short Without Enterprise Browser Extensions, New Report Reveals

SASE Solutions Fall Short Without Enterprise Browser Extensions, New Report Reveals

March 27, 2024 at 07:03AM

As SaaS applications become prevalent in business, the need for optimized network speed and strong security measures grows. However, a new report challenges SASE’s ability to provide comprehensive security against web-based threats. Secure browser extensions are presented as a solution to complement SASE and address its limitations in real-time protection against evolving risks.

Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways are:

1. SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) offers advantages in security and network performance, but it may not entirely cover the wide range of web-borne cyber threats.
2. The modern threat landscape relies heavily on the browser as a bridge for cyber threats such as phishing, malicious extensions, and account takeover, which SASE might not entirely cover.
3. Secure browser extensions complement SASE’s network security measures by providing granular visibility and real-time protection against sophisticated web-borne threats, effectively addressing the gaps left by SASE.

The meeting discussed the limitations of SASE in addressing certain cybersecurity threats and highlighted the role of secure browser extensions in filling in these security gaps. It also highlighted use cases such as phishing, malicious extensions, and account takeover, where secure browser extensions offer solutions not covered by SASE. The implication is that organizations need to consider complementary measures, such as secure browser extensions, to gain real-time protection against evolving cyber risks.

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