Recent Security News

  • Executing Zero Trust in the Cloud Takes Strategy

    January 9, 2024 at 12:38PM Zero-trust architecture is crucial for cloud cybersecurity, requiring specialized planning for proper implementation. Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaway is that zero-trust architecture is critical for cloud cybersecurity, but it requires specialized planning for proper implementation. Full Article

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  • Cacti Monitoring Tool Spiked by Critical SQL Injection Vulnerability

    January 9, 2024 at 12:38PM A critical vulnerability in Cacti’s web-based open source framework for monitoring network performance allows attackers to disclose its entire database. Exploiting this, along with a previously disclosed vulnerability, could lead to remote code execution. The severity of this issue is rated 8.8 out of 10. It’s not widespread but poses…

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  • Turkish APT ‘Sea Turtle’ Resurfaces to Spy on Kurdish Opposition

    January 9, 2024 at 12:38PM A group affiliated with the Turkish government has increased politically driven cyber-espionage activities targeting Kurdish opposition groups in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Sea Turtle, previously dormant, has resurfaced, carrying out campaigns targeting organizations in the Netherlands. The attacks focus on reaching websites associated with Kurds and the…

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  • Decryptor for Babuk ransomware variant released after hacker arrested

    January 9, 2024 at 11:47AM Researchers from Cisco Talos and the Dutch police obtained a decryption tool for the Tortilla variant of Babuk ransomware, leading to the arrest of the operator. This variant emerged after the original malware leaked. The threat actor targeted Microsoft Exchange servers using ProxyShell exploits. Avast released a decrypter for Babuk…

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  • Paraguay warns of Black Hunt ransomware attacks after Tigo Business breach

    January 9, 2024 at 11:33AM The Paraguay military issued a warning about Black Hunt ransomware after Tigo Business experienced a cyberattack affecting hosting and cloud services. Reportedly, over 330 servers were encrypted, and the backups were compromised. Black Hunt ransomware has been targeting companies in South America, using various techniques to disable systems and encrypt…

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