Recent Security News

  • Toronto Zoo: Ransomware attack had no impact on animal wellbeing

    January 8, 2024 at 05:19PM The Toronto Zoo experienced a ransomware attack with no impact on animals or operations. They are investigating potential effects on guest and donor records and are working with law enforcement and cybersecurity experts. In a similar incident, the Toronto Public Library was attacked, causing service disruptions and data theft. The…

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  • Netgear, Hyundai latest X accounts hacked to push crypto drainers

    January 8, 2024 at 04:07PM Netgear and Hyundai MEA Twitter accounts, with over 160,000 followers, were hijacked to promote cryptocurrency scams, involving malware aimed at draining victims’ cryptocurrency wallets. Hyundai recovered its account, while Netgear is still compromised. Verified government and business accounts are increasingly targeted for similar scams, with cryptocurrency ads and phishing sites…

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  • Turkish hackers Sea Turtle expand attacks to Dutch ISPs, telcos

    January 8, 2024 at 03:46PM Sea Turtle, a Turkish state-backed cyber espionage group, has expanded its spying campaigns to the Netherlands, targeting telcos, media, ISPs, and Kurdish websites. Using DNS hijacking and traffic redirection, they conduct man-in-the-middle attacks to acquire economic and political intelligence aligned with Turkish interests. Analysts at Hunt & Hackett observed these…

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  • US, Israel Used Dutch Spy to Launch Stuxnet Malware Against Iran

    January 8, 2024 at 03:31PM Dutch journalists from Volkskrant reported on the $1 billion cost to develop the Stuxnet virus, used against the Iranian nuclear program. They revealed that a Dutch spy facilitated the release of the virus, causing damage to nuclear centrifuges in Natanz and setting back the effort by several years. The engineer…

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  • ‘Swatting’ Becomes Latest Extortion Tactic in Ransomware Attacks

    January 8, 2024 at 01:29PM Threat actors are targeting medical institutions through “swatting,” a form of pressure tactic involving fake bomb threats to force hospitals to pay ransom demands. Intrusions at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and Integris Health illustrate the escalation in cyber-extortion tactics. It remains to be seen whether these measures will yield ransom…

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