Recent Security News

  • British Library: Finances remain healthy as ransomware recovery continues

    January 8, 2024 at 08:26AM The British Library is disputing reports of potentially $9 million recovery costs from a 2023 ransomware attack, with final costs unconfirmed. The attack caused significant disruption, with various systems offline. The recovery process could take several months, impacting services and payments to authors. The library will issue updates on its…

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  • CISO Conversations: Jason Rebholz and Jason Ozin From the Insurance Sector

    January 8, 2024 at 07:30AM CISO Conversations with insurance sector leaders, Jason Rebholz and Jason Ozin, detail their unconventional paths to becoming cybersecurity leaders. They stress the importance of knowledge, ambition, and building a diverse team. They also highlight the need to address burnout and future threats, such as third-party risks and evolving hacking techniques.…

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  • Unifying Security Tech Beyond the Stack: Integrating SecOps with Managed Risk and Strategy

    January 8, 2024 at 07:22AM The text discusses the challenges and importance of a unified approach to cybersecurity. With talent retention, leadership focus, board engagement, and organizational silos as key issues, integrating managed SOC, managed risk, and managed strategy is pivotal. This holistic approach offers benefits such as cost-effective resource allocation, informed decision-making, swift incident…

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  • Lebanon Airport Screens Display Anti-Hezbollah Message After Being Hacked

    January 8, 2024 at 06:18AM Beirut’s airport screens were hacked by anti-Hezbollah groups, accusing the militant group of risking war with Israel. The message was shared by a Christian group and another little-known group. Clashes between Hezbollah and Israel intensified, with Hezbollah launching rockets and both sides exchanging strikes. The government and international community aim…

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  • Vulnerability Handling in 2023: 28,000 New CVEs, 84 New CNAs

    January 8, 2024 at 06:18AM The number of CNA organizations and CVE identifiers increased in 2023. There were 28,902 published CVEs with an average of 80 new CVEs per day, and the average CVSS score was 7.12. The number of new CNAs announced increased to 84, totaling nearly 350 CNAs from 38 countries. The top…

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