Applying AI to API Security

Applying AI to API Security

October 11, 2023 at 08:24AM

AI can add value to API security in several ways. Firstly, it can be used for API discovery, studying request and response data to uncover unknown API endpoints. Secondly, AI can enforce schemas and improve access control by observing and mitigating deviations from learned schemas. Thirdly, AI can identify and protect against the exposure of sensitive data in transit. Fourthly, AI can provide layer 7 DDoS protection by analyzing metrics and log data to generate protection policies. Lastly, AI can detect and handle malicious users based on their interactions with API endpoints. Applying AI strategically to API security can enhance overall security.

Based on the meeting notes, here are the key takeaways:

1. AI can be leveraged to improve API security by discovering previously unknown API endpoints and including them in asset management and security activities.
2. AI can enforce schemas for API endpoints, observe departures from learned schemas, and improve access control across API endpoints.
3. AI can identify and flag sensitive data, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII), being exposed in transit, reducing the risk of data breaches.
4. AI can help protect API endpoints from layer 7 DDoS attacks by analyzing metrics and log data, generating insights, and creating layer 7 protection policies.
5. AI can analyze client interactions with API endpoints, identify outliers, assign risk scores to clients, and enable policies and processes to handle malicious users.

Overall, AI can add value to API security programs when carefully and strategically applied to specific problems. By leveraging AI in API security, enterprises can improve their overall security postures.

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