Microsoft Set to Retire Grunge-Era VBScript, to Cybercrime’s Chagrin

Microsoft Set to Retire Grunge-Era VBScript, to Cybercrime's Chagrin

October 12, 2023 at 04:44PM

Microsoft announced that it is deprecating and eventually removing VBScript from future Windows releases. Although the programming language is nearly 30 years old, cybercriminals still use it to gain access to targets. Microsoft will make VBScript a feature on demand and users can turn it on if desired, but there is no set timeline for its full removal.

Key Takeaways:
– Microsoft is deprecating VBScript, which will no longer be available in future releases of Windows.
– The VBScript programming language has been popular among cybercriminals for initial access to targets.
– Malware such as Emotet, QakBot, and Dark Gate have utilized VBScript.
– The VBScript feature will be disabled by default in the interim period before full discontinuation but can be turned on by users if desired.
– Microsoft has not provided a timeline for the full removal of VBScript.

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