The Cyberwar Between the East and the West Goes Through Africa

The Cyberwar Between the East and the West Goes Through Africa

October 12, 2023 at 01:03PM

Nation-state hackers play a significant role in cyber warfare. Understanding the geopolitical dynamics is crucial for addressing nation-backed cyber threats. Africa, particularly South Africa, serves as a bridge between the East and West, making it vulnerable to cyberattacks. Collaboration between the West and Africa is essential for countering these attacks and sharing knowledge. Immediate cooperation is necessary to turn Africa’s strategic position into an advantage against cyber threats.

Key Takeaways from the Meeting:

1. Understanding Geopolitical Dynamics: To effectively tackle nation-backed cyber threats, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the geopolitical dynamics of cyber warfare. This includes gaining insights into the motivations, tactics, and targets of different countries and actors involved in cyberattacks.

2. Africa’s Role: Africa, particularly South Africa, acts as a bridge between the East and the West. While benefiting economically from ties with both regions, Africa is also vulnerable to cyberattacks coordinated across the continent. The threat is often posed by attackers based in or backed by BRICS nations like Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

3. Cyberattacks in Africa: Cyberattacks have significantly increased in Africa over the past decade. Kenya and Nigeria, in particular, have experienced a surge in financial and banking Trojans. Attack methodologies are often repeated across various countries, indicating a coordinated effort by threat actors.

4. APT Groups and Threats: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups like Lazarus Group and APT40 are known to target government organizations, companies, and universities in Africa, as well as other regions such as the United States, Canada, Europe, and the Middle East. Motivations for attacking via Africa include perceiving fewer risks, accessing Western assets, and testing attack methodologies before deploying them in the West.

5. Collaboration between the West and Africa: Both the West and Africa are targeted by Eastern APT groups and must collaborate to counter the threat. Long-term collaborative efforts are needed to stay ahead of the rapidly evolving threat landscape. Sharing knowledge and insights on APT threats, attack success rates, emerging methodologies, and specific nation-sponsored or ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) attacks can help develop more effective countermeasures.

6. Leveraging Managed Security Service Providers: Managed security service providers can play a crucial role in analyzing threat data and loss, categorizing threats, and implementing appropriate cybersecurity tools and measures. Their deep knowledge of regional threat landscapes in Africa can aid in developing proactive defense strategies.

7. Transforming Vulnerability into Advantage: By establishing immediate and direct cooperation, Africa’s unique position as a bridge between the East and the West can be transformed from a vulnerability into an advantage. Collaborative efforts can enhance global cyber safety by leveraging new threat-prevention methods, big data sets, and powerful cybersecurity tools to counter BRICS-backed actors.

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