DarkGate Opens Organizations for Attack via Skype, Teams

DarkGate Opens Organizations for Attack via Skype, Teams

October 13, 2023 at 03:24AM

The DarkGate malware is being distributed through messaging platforms like Skype and Teams. Once installed, additional malicious payloads are introduced. The campaign has been most active in the Americas, followed by Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. DarkGate is a commodity loader that executes various actions, including remote access, cryptocurrency mining, keylogging, and stealing information from browsers. It uses AutoIt scripting tool to deliver its malicious capabilities. The malware is delivered through deceptive attachments or links in messages. Organizations should implement measures to secure instant messaging applications and raise user security awareness.

Takeaway: The meeting notes discuss the DarkGate malware campaign, which abuses messaging platforms such as Skype and Teams to distribute the malware to targeted organizations. The campaign has seen increased activity this year, with most attacks detected in the Americas region. DarkGate is a commodity loader that uses the legitimate tool AutoIt to deliver and execute its malicious capabilities. The malware has various features, including remote access, keylogging, information theft, and privilege escalation. The attack involves sending deceptive messages via Skype or Teams containing malicious attachments or links. Once executed, the malware downloads and executes additional payloads and achieves persistence on the infected system. The notes conclude with recommendations, including securing instant messaging applications, implementing multifactor authentication, and conducting regular security awareness training for employees.

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