Ransomware attacks doubled year on year. Are organizations equipped to handle the evolution of Ransomware in 2023?

Ransomware attacks doubled year on year. Are organizations equipped to handle the evolution of Ransomware in 2023?

October 13, 2023 at 07:48AM

Ransomware attacks have become more sophisticated and adaptable, using new techniques and targeting vulnerabilities in networking devices. The healthcare sector has become a significant target, with a focus on stealing sensitive data. High-income organizations are preferred targets due to their ability to pay ransoms and the potential damage to their reputation. The United States remains the most targeted nation, followed by the United Kingdom. LOCKBIT is a prominent ransomware threat, but newer groups like Cactus and Metaencryptor are also emerging. Ransomware groups are adopting programming languages like Rust and GoLang to make detection and analysis more difficult. Organizations have responded to these developments by enhancing employee training, incident response planning, recovery and backups, implementing zero-trust architecture and multi-factor authentication, intelligence sharing, vulnerability management, and securing supply chains. Cyble Vision, an AI-powered threat intelligence platform, can help organizations identify and secure potential vulnerabilities and monitor threat actor behavior on the dark web.

Key takeaways from the meeting notes:

1. Ransomware attacks have become more sophisticated and capable, with new evasion and anti-analysis techniques being used.
2. Vulnerabilities, particularly in networking devices, are increasingly being exploited as a delivery vector for ransomware.
3. The healthcare sector has become a major target for ransomware attacks, with a focus on stealing Protected Health Information (PHI).
4. High-income organizations dealing with sensitive data are the primary targets for ransomware groups.
5. The United States remains the most targeted nation for ransomware attacks, followed by the United Kingdom, Italy, and Germany.
6. LOCKBIT remains a potent threat, but newer ransomware groups like Cactus, INC Ransom, and MedusaLocker are emerging.
7. Ransomware groups are increasingly adopting programming languages like Rust and GoLang to make their activities harder to detect and analyze.
8. Organizations have taken steps to mitigate the impact of ransomware attacks, including employee training, incident response planning, enhanced recovery and backups, and implementation of zero-trust architecture and multi-factor authentication.
9. Collaboration with law enforcement, intelligence sharing, and the use of threat intelligence platforms are also important for combating ransomware.
10. Cyble’s AI-powered threat intelligence platform, Cyble Vision, can help organizations identify weak points in their digital risk footprint and secure their attack surface and supply chain from ransomware attacks.

If you’re interested in learning more about Cyble Vision and how it can enhance your organization’s security, you can reach out to Cyble’s cybersecurity experts for a free demo.

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