Email Security Best Practices for Phishing Prevention

Email Security Best Practices for Phishing Prevention

October 16, 2023 at 10:52PM

Phishing attacks have been on the rise, with a 29% increase in detections reported by Trend Micro for 2022. These attacks are becoming more sophisticated, including tactics like spear phishing, whaling, and QR code phishing. Organizations need to implement a layered approach to email security, including capabilities like email gateway inspection, cloud app security, user education, and secure web gateway technology. By taking these steps, businesses can reduce the risk of phishing attacks and improve their cybersecurity posture.

The meeting notes discuss the topic of risk management, specifically focusing on email security best practices for phishing prevention. The notes highlight the increase in phishing attacks and the different forms that phishing can take, such as spear phishing, whaling, and smishing. It also mentions the challenges that organizations face in containing phishing attacks and protecting sensitive information.

The notes then go on to discuss recent trends in phishing attacks, including the use of AI-enabled harpooning, QR codes, new top-level domains, and the use of multiple phishing forms in tandem. These trends demonstrate the need for organizations to stay vigilant and adapt their security measures accordingly.

The notes also provide recommendations for email security best practices, emphasizing the importance of a layered security approach. This includes using an email gateway for initial inspection, implementing cloud app security to extract malicious emails, educating users through training programs and phishing simulations, and using a secure web gateway to inspect traffic and block malicious links.

Lastly, the notes suggest integrating email security solutions into a broader cybersecurity platform to enhance detection and response capabilities.

Overall, the meeting notes provide valuable insights into the current landscape of phishing attacks and offer practical recommendations for enhancing email security.

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