Watch Out: Attackers Are Hiding Malware in ‘Browser Updates’

Watch Out: Attackers Are Hiding Malware in 'Browser Updates'

October 17, 2023 at 12:49PM

Threat actors are disguising malware as fake browser updates and spreading it through vulnerable websites. This tactic has been adopted by multiple threat clusters, including TA569. The malicious code is injected into legitimate websites and presents users with convincing browser update notifications. When users click “Update,” they unknowingly download malware. To avoid falling for these fake updates, users should pay attention to any unusual behavior from their trusted websites and browsers. Keeping browsers updated is still recommended for cybersecurity.

Key Takeaways from the Meeting Notes:

1. Threat actors are employing cybersecurity best practices to conceal malware in fake browser updates. They achieve this by injecting malicious JavaScript into legitimate but vulnerable websites, presenting users with convincing browser update notifications.
2. This trend began with one threat actor, TA569, but has since been adopted by at least four different threat clusters, indicating a growing and persistent problem.
3. Daniel Blackford, a senior manager of threat research at Proofpoint, acknowledges the difficulty customers face in understanding and remediating this threat on their own.
4. Each of the identified threat clusters follows a similar pattern of taking advantage of vulnerable websites or imported assets to inject malicious code.
5. Once a user visits the compromised website, the script collects information about the system and redirects the victim to an attacker-controlled domain that displays a fake browser update.
6. If the user falls for the update prompt and clicks “Update,” they unknowingly download malware onto their computer. TA569’s signature malware is SocGholish, which has been used as a primer for various ransomware attacks.
7. Users should be cautious and vigilant in identifying fake browser updates. They should pay attention to any deviations from the usual behavior of trusted websites and browsers, as these deviations could potentially indicate a fake update.
8. It is crucial for users to maintain their cybersecurity hygiene, including regularly updating their browsers to ensure optimal security.

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