D-Link Says Hacker Exaggerated Data Breach Claims

D-Link Says Hacker Exaggerated Data Breach Claims

October 18, 2023 at 09:30AM

D-Link has completed its investigation into a hacker’s claims of a data breach and determined that the claims were exaggerated. The company confirmed a breach but stated that only 700 records, not 3 million, were compromised. The stolen data is believed to be from an old D-View 6 system, and no user IDs or financial information were affected. The hacker’s claims of government officials and employees being affected were also deemed inaccurate. D-Link believes the impact is limited and that customer and operational activities remain unaffected.

Meeting Notes Summary:

– D-Link has launched an investigation into a hacker’s claim of breaching their internal network and stealing customer information and source code.
– The hacker offered to sell the stolen data for $500, claiming it includes information of government officials in Taiwan and D-Link employees.
– D-Link hired Trend Micro to assist with the investigation and confirmed a data breach, but described the hacker’s claims as inaccurate, exaggerated, and misleading.
– The data was sourced from an old D-View 6 system, which reached its end of life in 2015. No evidence suggests user IDs or financial information were compromised, but some low-sensitivity information, such as names and email addresses, were indicated.
– D-Link believes that the breach’s impact is limited, with no effect on operations or customers.
– D-Link disputes the hacker’s claim of 3 million compromised records, stating that only 700 records were actually compromised. They also suspect the hacker altered login timestamps to make the data appear more recent.

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