Europol Strike Wounds Ragnar Locker Ransomware Group

Europol Strike Wounds Ragnar Locker Ransomware Group

October 19, 2023 at 03:29PM

Law enforcement has taken down Ragnar Locker’s Tor negotiation and data leak sites, stating that they were seized in a coordinated international action. Europol, along with officials from the US and Japan, is involved in taking action against the ransomware group. Experts warn that this may only be a temporary setback for the group, as they may quickly set up new servers. The seizure could also hinder organizations affected by ransomware attacks, as they lose a method of negotiation. It is still unknown if any arrests were made or funds recovered. Ragnar Locker has been linked to previous attacks, including against the Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center and TAP Air Portugal.

Key points from the meeting notes:

1. Law enforcement has taken down Ragnar Locker’s Tor negotiation and data leak sites in a coordinated international action involving Europol, US law enforcement, and Japanese law enforcement.
2. A press release by Europol will be announced on Oct. 20 when all actions have been finalized.
3. Taking down the websites may only be an inconvenience for Ragnar Locker as they may quickly set up other servers to replace them.
4. This seizure may cause problems for organizations impacted by ransomware attacks, as they may lose a method to negotiate with the attackers.
5. It is unclear if any arrests have been made or if any stolen funds have been recovered.
6. Ragnar Locker is known for targeting the energy sector and has conducted previous attacks on the Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center and TAP Air Portugal.

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