ASVEL basketball team confirms data breach after ransomware attack

ASVEL basketball team confirms data breach after ransomware attack

October 24, 2023 at 11:11AM

French professional basketball team LDLC ASVEL has confirmed a data breach after being targeted by the NoEscape ransomware gang. The attackers claimed to have stolen 32 GB of data, including personal information and confidential documents. The ransomware group has threatened to publish the stolen data if a ransom is not paid. ASVEL has reported the incident to the authorities and is assessing the impact on third parties. The club is currently negotiating with the ransomware gang to prevent the data leak.

During the meeting, it was discussed that the French professional basketball team LDLC ASVEL has confirmed a data breach after being targeted by the NoEscape ransomware gang. The club was alerted to the breach on October 12 and has since confirmed that its computer system was violated and data was exfiltrated. The threat actors claim to have stolen 32 GB of data, including personal information of players, passports, ID cards, financial documents, and contractual agreements with players. The NoEscape gang is using this stolen data to demand a ransom payment, threatening to publish the data if their demands are not met by October 20. ASVEL has engaged cybersecurity specialists who confirmed the breach and are assessing the potential harm to third parties. They have also reported the incident to CNIL, France’s data protection authority, and plan to submit a formal complaint to law enforcement authorities. It is worth noting that ASVEL has been removed from NoEscape’s darknet portal, which may indicate ongoing negotiations with the ransomware gang. NoEscape is a relatively new ransomware group targeting non-CIS organizations and has similarities to the defunct Avaddon group.

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