About the security content of Safari 17.1 – Apple Support

About the security content of Safari 17.1 - Apple Support

October 25, 2023 at 02:36PM


Apple has addressed several security vulnerabilities in the WebKit software. These issues could potentially lead to arbitrary code execution or denial-of-service attacks when processing web content. Updates are available for macOS Monterey and macOS Ventura.

Here are the key takeaways from the meeting notes:

1. Apple has released an update for macOS Monterey and macOS Ventura with improved memory handling to address CVE-2023-40447. This issue could potentially lead to arbitrary code execution when processing web content in the WebKit product.

2. Another update has been released for macOS Monterey and macOS Ventura to address CVE-2023-41976. This update improves memory management to fix a use-after-free issue in WebKit, which also has the potential for arbitrary code execution when processing web content.

3. macOS Monterey and macOS Ventura have received an update addressing CVE-2023-42852. This update resolves a logic issue in WebKit with improved checks, again to prevent arbitrary code execution when processing web content.

4. Finally, an update is available for macOS Monterey and macOS Ventura in relation to CVE-2023-41983. This update improves memory handling in the WebKit Process Model to address an issue that could lead to a denial-of-service when processing web content.

Please let me know if there is anything else you need assistance with.

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