Boeing Breached by Ransomware, LockBit Gang Claims

Boeing Breached by Ransomware, LockBit Gang Claims

October 30, 2023 at 03:00PM

The ransomware group LockBit claims to have breached Boeing and threatens to release sensitive data if their ransom demands aren’t met by November 2. Boeing is evaluating the claim, and if true, it could lead to significant consequences, including an increased risk of phishing attacks. LockBit, known for their previous activities, seems to be handling this breach differently by not immediately releasing any sample data.

According to meeting notes, the ransomware group LockBit claims to have breached Boeing and is threatening to release sensitive data from the company’s systems if ransom demands are not met by November 2nd. LockBit stated that a significant amount of data has been exfiltrated and is ready to be published. Boeing is currently assessing the claim. If true, a recovery process may be lengthy, and the organization could be at risk of increased phishing attacks using compromised credentials. LockBit is known as an active ransomware threat group, although they typically do not target organizations as large as Boeing. It is noteworthy that LockBit has chosen not to immediately publish any sample data, which differs from their previous operations, such as when they breached a UK defense contractor last year.

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