UAE Bolsters Cyber Future With US Treasury Partnership, Collaborations

UAE Bolsters Cyber Future With US Treasury Partnership, Collaborations

October 30, 2023 at 02:02PM

The United Arab Emirates’ Cybersecurity Council has signed partnerships with other nations, including the US, Morocco, and Chad, to strengthen its threat intelligence sharing capabilities. These agreements aim to improve cybersecurity within the UAE, with a focus on the financial services industry and joint planning and response to cyberattacks. The UAE has been actively working towards enhancing its cybersecurity posture and aims to establish an advanced digital infrastructure for the future. The partnerships with cybersecurity vendors like Kaspersky and Microsoft will enable information sharing, collaboration, and awareness-building in cybersecurity.

Key points from the meeting notes:

1. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Cybersecurity Council is partnering with other nations to improve its threat intelligence sharing capabilities.
2. The UAE has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with the US Treasury Department, Morocco, and Chad to enhance cybersecurity within the country and foster international cooperation.
3. The MoU with the US focuses on sharing information on threats and incidents affecting the financial services industry.
4. The UAE is aiming to establish an advanced digital infrastructure to prepare for the next few decades.
5. The UAE’s cybersecurity posture has been steadily improving, as evidenced by its jump in ranking in the Global Cybersecurity Index.
6. The UAE has signed MoUs with cybersecurity vendors such as Kaspersky and Microsoft to collaborate on identifying, investigating, and responding to cyber threats.
7. The UAE acknowledges the new and evolving security risks faced by its ICT industry and seeks partnerships to eliminate information security incidents.
8. The UAE Cybersecurity Council aims to strengthen the country’s global cyber capabilities through collaborative efforts, public-private partnerships, and addressing the dynamic nature of cybersecurity threats.

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