Doing It Together: Detection and Incident Response with Your Cloud Provider

Doing It Together: Detection and Incident Response with Your Cloud Provider

November 1, 2023 at 06:35PM

Detecting and responding to cybersecurity incidents in the cloud can be challenging, especially for those with little cloud experience. Incident management is often overlooked but requires collaboration with the cloud provider. Although the fundamentals of cybersecurity remain the same, there are key differences in threat detection and response in the cloud. This includes the need for new skills, more involvement from developers, a focus on application security, and increased collaboration among stakeholders. Detecting security threats in the cloud requires new methods and tools, as well as clear understanding of responsibilities with the cloud service provider. Early incident identification is crucial, and there are various detection tools available. Coordination between the organization’s security team and the CSP’s incident response team is important for minimizing data security issues. After resolving an incident, a post-mortem analysis can be conducted to identify areas for improvement. With proper coordination, a cybersecurity incident can be quickly resolved in the cloud.

Based on the meeting notes, the main takeaways are:

1. Detecting and responding to cybersecurity incidents in the cloud can be challenging, especially for professionals with little cloud experience.

2. Incident management is an area that requires collaboration and support from the cloud provider.

3. There are key differences in threat detection and response when working in the cloud, such as the need for new skills, more developer involvement, and a focus on application security.

4. Securing the cloud requires new skills, new tools, and increased collaboration between different teams and partners.

5. Telemetry collection methods change in the cloud, with an increasing emphasis on application telemetry.

6. Governance sprawl is a challenge in the cloud, and it’s important to clearly define areas of overlapping responsibility with the cloud service provider (CSP) and other partners.

7. Early detection of incidents is crucial, and there are a variety of detection tools available, including those provided by the CSP.

8. Coordination between the organization’s security apparatus and the CSP’s incident response team is essential for minimizing the time data security issues remain undetected.

9. Post-incident, a post-mortem analysis should be conducted to review the causes of the incident and identify areas for improvement.

10. In the cloud, organizations don’t act alone when responding to incidents, but rather collaborate with the CSP and other partners.

These takeaways highlight the challenges and considerations involved in detecting and responding to cybersecurity incidents in the cloud, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and coordination with the cloud service provider.

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