New GootLoader Malware Variant Evades Detection and Spreads Rapidly

New GootLoader Malware Variant Evades Detection and Spreads Rapidly

November 7, 2023 at 07:36AM

GootBot is a new variant of the GootLoader malware that allows attackers to move laterally on compromised systems undetected. It is a lightweight but effective malware that spreads quickly and deploys further payloads. GootBot connects to compromised WordPress sites for command and control, making it difficult to block. As a result, the risk of successful post-exploitation stages, including ransomware attacks, is heightened.

Key Takeaways from the Meeting Notes:

1. A new variant of the GootLoader malware, called GootBot, has been discovered.
2. GootBot facilitates lateral movement on compromised systems and evades detection.
3. The GootLoader group introduced GootBot to avoid detections when using off-the-shelf tools for command and control (C2).
4. GootBot is a lightweight but effective malware that allows rapid network spread and deployment of further payloads.
5. GootLoader is a malware that uses search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning tactics to lure victims and download next-stage malware.
6. GootBot connects to compromised WordPress sites for C2 communication and receives further commands.
7. Each GootBot sample uses a unique hard-coded C2 server, making it difficult to block malicious traffic.
8. Current campaigns leverage SEO-poisoned searches to direct victims to compromised sites and trick them into downloading the initial payload.
9. The initial payload is an archive file that contains an obfuscated JavaScript file.
10. The JavaScript file fetches another JavaScript file that achieves persistence through a scheduled task.
11. The PowerShell script gathers system information and exfiltrates it to a remote server.
12. The remote server responds with a PowerShell script that runs in an infinite loop and allows the threat actor to distribute various payloads, including GootBot.
13. GootBot communicates with its C2 server every 60 seconds to fetch PowerShell tasks and transmit execution results.
14. GootBot has capabilities ranging from reconnaissance to lateral movement, increasing the scale of the attack.
15. The discovery of the GootBot variant highlights the lengths attackers will go to evade detection and operate stealthily.
16. This shift in tactics and tooling increases the risk of successful post-exploitation stages, such as GootLoader-linked ransomware affiliate activity.

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