The Importance of Continuous Security Monitoring for a Robust Cybersecurity Strategy

The Importance of Continuous Security Monitoring for a Robust Cybersecurity Strategy

November 14, 2023 at 07:33AM

The global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million, leading organizations to realize that traditional cybersecurity measures may not be enough. Continuous monitoring, which involves actively searching for vulnerabilities and threats, is seen as a key strategy. For web applications, a pen testing as a service (PTaaS) solution with continuous monitoring is recommended for ongoing protection. On the other hand, occasional checks may be sufficient for newer or smaller web apps, where standard pen testing is more suitable. Outpost24 offers several solutions for continuous monitoring and vulnerability management.

Key Takeaways from the Meeting Notes:

1. The global average cost of a data breach reached $4.45 million in 2023, highlighting the significant financial and long-term consequences of data breaches.
2. Traditional cybersecurity measures may not be sufficient in the face of increasing data breaches.
3. Continuous monitoring is a dynamic approach to cybersecurity that proactively scouts for vulnerabilities, irregularities, misconfigurations, and potential threats.
4. Protecting web applications is crucial due to their attractiveness as targets for cybercriminals and their vulnerability to attacks.
5. Businesses have the choice between a pen testing as a service (PTaaS) solution with continuous monitoring or standard pen testing for occasional checks, depending on their specific needs.
6. PTaaS offers ongoing protection, a predictable cost model, access to security experts, and is suitable for critical apps or those handling sensitive data.
7. Standard pen testing is more suited for newer or smaller web apps, one-time needs, validation of known vulnerabilities, or non-web assets like network infrastructure.
8. Outpost24 offers a range of solutions for continuous monitoring, vulnerability management, attack surface discovery, and cyber threat intelligence.
9. Continuous security monitoring is essential in the digital age, and businesses should consider utilizing tools like those offered by Outpost24 to navigate the new cybersecurity landscape.

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