Industry piles in on North Korea for sustained rampage on software supply chains

Industry piles in on North Korea for sustained rampage on software supply chains

November 23, 2023 at 08:44AM

The UK and South Korea’s national cybersecurity organizations have issued a joint advisory warning about an increase in the volume and sophistication of North Korean software supply chain attacks. The advisory highlights the use of zero-day and N-day vulnerabilities and multiple exploits to achieve North Korea’s priorities, which include generating funds and stealing intellectual property. The advisory also lists examples of high-profile organizations exploited in attacks attributed to Lazarus, North Korea’s state-sponsored offensive cyber unit. The advisory emphasizes the importance of organizations taking mitigative actions to improve their resilience to supply chain attacks.

Meeting Takeaways:

– The national cybersecurity organizations of the UK and the Republic of Korea have issued a joint advisory warning about increased North Korean software supply chain attacks.
– The attacks target governments, financial institutions, and defense industry companies worldwide.
– Zero-day and N-day vulnerabilities, along with multiple exploits, are being used in these attacks.
– North Korea’s state-sponsored offensive cyber unit, Lazarus, is believed to be responsible for the attacks.
– Lazarus launched a watering hole attack targeting organizations with vulnerable versions of the MagicLine4NX security authentication software.
– Another supply chain attack targeted 3CX’s desktop app, impacting critical infrastructure organizations and financial trading companies.
– Both the Windows and macOS versions of the 3CX app were affected.
– Microsoft also reported a North Korean supply chain attack on CyberLink’s multimedia software, targeting devices in various countries.
– Mitigative actions are recommended, including enabling 2FA, applying security updates, and monitoring networks for anomalous traffic.

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