Dark Reading Debuts Fresh New Site Design

Dark Reading Debuts Fresh New Site Design

November 28, 2023 at 03:42PM

Dark Reading has launched a revamped website, featuring an updated logo and improved reader experience. The site has streamlined and updated section names, and includes a new Cybersecurity Topics button for easier navigation. It also features a dedicated section for news from around the globe, as well as sections for features, technology trends, and global coverage. Dark Reading welcomes feedback on the redesign at [email protected].

The meeting notes discuss the launch of the revamped Dark Reading website. The team used adjectives such as elegant, slick, seamless, clean, and modern to describe the new site. The process of revamping the website began in August with the introduction of an updated logo. The new website platform aims to improve the reader experience, making visits to the site more pleasant, efficient, and productive.

Several changes have been made to the site to enhance navigation and provide more context about the content. The Cybersecurity Topics button in the navigation bar helps users easily find relevant information. The featured news section has been improved, and there is now a section called Dark Reading Global that focuses on the cybersecurity industry in the Middle East and Africa. The Latest News and Commentary sections contain a mix of informed and relevant content, while the Deep Reading section showcases Dark Reading’s library of digital reports and research.

Other sections on the site include The Edge, DR Technology, and DR Global. The site will continue to evolve to meet readers’ needs, and feedback on the site redesign and its features is encouraged. Readers can email their feedback to [email protected].

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