Japan’s space agency suffers cyber attack, points finger at Active Directory

Japan's space agency suffers cyber attack, points finger at Active Directory

November 29, 2023 at 02:00AM

Japan’s JAXA confirmed a suspected cyber breach, instigating a partial network shutdown for investigation with no sensitive data believed stolen. The agency, previously hacked in 2016 and 2012, also faces setbacks from two failed rocket launches despite past launch successes and recent successful engine tests.

Meeting Takeaways:

1. JAXA Cybersecurity Incident:
– JAXA experienced a suspected cybersecurity breach, particularly involving its Active Directory system.
– An illegal access was detected following an investigation.
– JAXA has partially shut down its network, including an intranet, as a response to the breach.
– The Japanese government has instructed JAXA to take countermeasures.
– Preliminary findings indicate that no sensitive information has been compromised.

2. Historical Context of Cyber Attacks on JAXA:
– This is not the first cyber incident for JAXA; previous breaches occurred in 2016 and 2012.
– For the 2016 breach, a Chinese national was charged, believed to be part of a larger series of attacks against Japanese targets.
– Legal action against the accused individual took place five years after the 2016 incident.

3. Recent Failures in Space Missions:
– JAXA has encountered two consecutive launch failures after 19 years of successful launches.
– The Epsilon rocket failed in October 2022 due to a course deviation that led to a self-destruct command.
– The new H3 rocket experienced a failed test in February 2023 and an unsuccessful first flight in March 2023.
– An investigation into the H3 failure highlighted a power abnormality during ignition which led to system shutdown. The root cause is still under investigation, with three possible scenarios being explored.

4. Positive Developments for JAXA:
– Despite recent setbacks, JAXA had two successful engine tests for the H3 rocket in November.
– A sounding rocket launch was rescheduled twice, once due to preparation delays and then due to bad weather conditions.

Actions Advised:
– JAXA should continue to investigate and address the cybersecurity incident.
– Implement the countermeasures directed by the Japanese government.
– Continue with the investigation of H3’s launch failures and work on the identified possible issues.
– Revise and ensure rigorous security protocols to avoid future cyber incidents.
– Maintain transparency with the public and stakeholders regarding outcomes of investigations and next steps.

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