Emirates CISOs Flag Rampant Cybersecurity Gaps

Emirates CISOs Flag Rampant Cybersecurity Gaps

December 1, 2023 at 12:34PM

96% of UAE security chiefs acknowledge the need for team, process, and technological enhancements to address cyberattacks. Over half feel they lack necessary technical knowledge, while many are hindered by manual processes and disconnected security controls. Investing in cybersecurity is essential, as recovery often exceeds prevention costs.

Meeting Takeaways:

1. There is a consensus among security chiefs in the UAE that there is a pressing need to enhance their teams, processes, and technology to better prevent future cyberattacks.

2. Trellix’s research indicates that 96% of CISOs who have faced security incidents acknowledge the necessity for improvements within their organizations.

3. More than half of the survey respondents (52%) feel their organization lacks the technical expertise to deal with complex security incidents effectively.

4. A significant proportion of security leaders (48%) believe an overreliance on manual processes is negatively affecting their ability to quickly detect and resolve cyber incidents.

5. Poor documentation and implementation of processes (cited by 44% of leaders), along with disconnected security controls (also 44%), contribute to difficulties in addressing cybercrime effectively.

6. Jake Moore, from ESET, emphasizes the critical need for ongoing investment in protective measures as cyber threats evolve, mentioning that companies must consider that the recovery costs after an attack usually exceed those for prevention.

7. There are major capacity gaps within organizations that affect their capability to identify and respond to cybersecurity issues; 52% of those surveyed pointed this out as a factor in security incidents they’ve faced.

8. A substantial number of survey participants (44%) admitted to issues with configuring their IT setups and activating detection policies, while 40% reported that their IT and security tools do not provide sufficient incident visibility.

9. Moore highlights the risks of neglecting cybersecurity, illustrating how inadequate attention to staffing and processes can leave a business vulnerable to preventable or more easily mitigated attacks with serious potential repercussions.

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