4 Metrics That Help CISOs Become Strategic Partners With the Board

4 Metrics That Help CISOs Become Strategic Partners With the Board

December 7, 2023 at 10:07AM

CISOs face challenges in communicating their strategic role to leadership and boards. Key to board presentations is summarizing information security’s protective role and using metrics to demonstrate impact on risk, growth, expenses, and people. Successful CISOs align with boards on risks, show ROI improvements, support revenue growth, and foster a security-conscious culture. Trust and verifiable results underpin the CISO-board relationship, showing how InfoSec drives business forward.

Meeting Takeaways:

**Primary Challenge for CISOs:**
– CISOs struggle with demonstrating the value of their department to leadership and board members, particularly when these executives lack information security context or expertise.

**Objective for Quarterly Board Meeting:**
– To present information clearly to the board, highlighting risks, business impact, budget needs, and building trust in a manner that is understandable to a non-expert audience.

**CISO Board Presentation Structure:**
1. **Summary of Information Security Program:**
– Show how the program safeguards the company and assists in meeting compliance.
– Update on the status of key security workstreams.

2. **Four Key Metrics to Frame CISO Work:**
a. **Risk and Liability Protection:**
– Align on top risks with the board and agree on acceptable risk thresholds.
– Provide quantitative detail on each risk including residual risks, financial impact, action plans, budget needs, and trends.

b. **InfoSec ROI and Improvements:**
– Demonstrate how modern solutions and investments deliver value and improved protections.
– Highlight business impact improvements for top investment areas.

c. **Revenue Acceleration:**
– Track and present the security team’s contribution to revenue by detailing involvement in security questionnaires, customer and vendor SLA trends, and productivity gains from automation.

d. **Enterprisewide Security and Privacy Engagement:**
– Present metrics on employee compliance with security training and IT asset management.
– Show quarterly improvements in security culture across the company.

3. **Critical Workstreams and Trust-Building:**
– Detail key security initiatives for the current quarter with objectives and KPIs.
– Emphasize the importance of trust and the CISO’s role in being a strategic, growth-focused partner to the board.

**Overall Theme:**
– The presentation should convey the CISO’s strategic and transparent approach to managing risk, driving growth, and improving efficiency, which ultimately fosters trust and illustrates the CISO’s value in moving the business forward.

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