Think tank report labels NSO, Lazarus, as ‘cyber mercenaries’

Think tank report labels NSO, Lazarus, as 'cyber mercenaries'

December 13, 2023 at 01:07AM

A Delhi-based think tank’s report argues that cybercrime groups and spyware vendors like Lazarus Group and NSO should be categorized as cyber mercenaries and face an international response. The usage of information technology in operations justifies this term. Concerns about the growth of this market and the need for legislation to address the issue are also emphasized.

The meeting notes highlight a report from the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) discussing the concept of cyber mercenaries, particularly focusing on groups like Lazarus group and NSO. The term “cyber mercenaries” is used to refer to groups involved in cyber operations for financial gain, often with ties to state actors.

The report argues that the market for cyber mercenaries is expanding, offering cost-effective means for nations to enhance their offensive capabilities while maintaining plausible deniability. It also emphasizes the need for legislation aligning intelligence and digital tools with human rights obligations and setting standards to ensure that acts conducted in the name of national security respect human rights declarations.

Additionally, the report suggests that citizens should demand accountability from governments and businesses engaging cyber mercenaries and that civil society groups have taken action through lawsuits to demand better transparency.

Overall, the report calls for a concerted international response to address the growing threat of cyber mercenaries and to ensure that actions in the realm of cybersecurity respect human rights and international standards.

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