Israeli Company Hires Overseas Attackers in ‘Hack-Back’ Effort

Israeli Company Hires Overseas Attackers in 'Hack-Back' Effort

December 14, 2023 at 10:50AM

Israeli CEO Doron Amir has recruited hackers from around the world to counter anti-Israel online activity. He believes that permitting offensive cyber operations, with proper supervision, would deter cyberattacks. This concept has been met with skepticism by cybersecurity experts, citing concerns about sufficient oversight and accountability. CyTaka has not commented further on the matter.

From the meeting notes, it is clear that Doron Amir, the CEO of CyTaka, has hired a network of offensive cyber hackers from around the world to counter anti-Israel online activity. He mentions that Israeli law restricts private cyber companies from attacking international cyber systems, but he is leveraging attackers from other nations who are “operating within legal frameworks.” Amir believes that allowing people to engage in offensive cyber operations, with proper supervision and accountability, would deter cyberattacks. He also indicates receiving support and assistance from senior cybersecurity industry figures for this effort, even from countries that forbid any association with Israel. However, the concept of hacking back has raised skepticism among professionals and researchers, with some experts characterizing it as “extremely troubling” due to concerns about oversight and accountability. It is noted that CyTaka had not responded to a request for further comments at the time of this posting.

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