Years-Old, Unpatched GWT Vuln Leaves Apps Open to Server-Side RCE

Years-Old, Unpatched GWT Vuln Leaves Apps Open to Server-Side RCE

December 18, 2023 at 05:43PM

An unpatched Java deserialization vulnerability in the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) open source application framework remains unresolved after over eight years. This flaw, which enables remote code execution, could potentially require significant framework fixes for vulnerable applications. According to research by Bishop Fox, addressing this issue may necessitate architectural changes to these applications or the framework itself.

Based on the meeting notes, the main takeaways are:

1. The unauthenticated Java deserialization vulnerability in the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) open source application framework remains unpatched and can lead to remote code execution, posing a significant threat to vulnerable applications.

2. Despite being open and known since 2015, the GWT vulnerability has not been effectively addressed or patched by the framework maintainers. This lack of action is concerning given the potential risks associated with the vulnerability.

3. Mitigating the vulnerability in exposed web applications written using GWT may require substantial architectural changes to the applications or the framework itself. Administrators are advised to plan for the worst-case scenario and consider remediation strategies immediately.

4. It is recommended to monitor the responsiveness of third-party component operators to patching and to consider the risks associated with using known, unpatched flaws. Organizations should periodically review and assess third-party components for potential migration if developer activity seems to be declining.

These takeaways highlight the severity of the unpatched vulnerability in GWT and the need for proactive measures to address and mitigate the associated risks.

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