Cybercriminals Flood Dark Web With X (Twitter) Gold Accounts

Cybercriminals Flood Dark Web With X (Twitter) Gold Accounts

January 3, 2024 at 05:08PM

Cybercriminals are targeting verified “Gold” accounts on X (previously known as Twitter) and selling them on the Dark Web for up to $2,000. CloudSEK researchers have uncovered a surge in these accounts on underground marketplaces, leading to potential risks such as hosting phishing links, launching disinformation campaigns, and financial scams. Organizations are advised to monitor brand mentions and enforce strong password policies to prevent account compromise.

Key takeaways from the meeting notes on Twitter account takeovers:

1. Cybercriminals are targeting verified “Gold” accounts on Twitter, selling them on the Dark Web for up to $2,000 each.
2. CloudSEK research has revealed a significant increase in the availability of these accounts in underground marketplaces, with cybercriminals resorting to brute-forcing passwords and stealing credentials to gain access to the accounts.
3. The compromised Gold accounts are being used for malicious activities such as hosting phishing links, launching disinformation campaigns, financial scams, and damaging brand reputation through damaging content.
4. Examples of account takeovers, including the case of Vitalik Buterin’s account being used to siphon off $691,000 in digital assets within a short timeframe, highlight the severity of the issue.
5. It is advised that organizations regularly monitor brand mentions on Twitter and implement strong password policies to mitigate the risk of account compromise.

Please let me know if there are any additional details or specific insights you would like to focus on from the meeting notes.

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