January 5, 2024 at 10:06AM
In 1931, Alfred Korzybski emphasized the limitations of models, likening them to maps that cannot fully represent reality. Red-team assessments often fail to test enough attack variants to accurately gauge defense strength, leaving defenders uncertain about their security posture. To address this, organizations can explore alternatives like Atomic Testing and purple-team services to enhance threat detection.
Based on the meeting notes, the key takeaways include:
– The limitations of red-team assessments in evaluating defense efficacy.
– The importance of testing threat detection to verify vendor claims and improve security posture.
– The impracticality of testing each variant of an attack technique, but the viability of testing a representative sample of them.
– The need for better test cases and the challenges in categorizing attacks through tactics, techniques, and procedures.
– The suggestion of using approaches like Atomic Testing to test individual attack techniques and the evolution of purple-team services to address current limitations in threat detection.
If you have any further questions or need additional information, feel free to ask!