Be honest. Would you pay off a ransomware crew?

Be honest. Would you pay off a ransomware crew?

January 10, 2024 at 03:01PM

The text discusses the complex issue of ransomware and the potential effectiveness of banning ransom payments to curb attacks. It also touches on criminal tactics like threatening to involve police SWAT teams. The piece mentions a colleague’s opinion piece and invites further discussion. The episode features vultures Chris Williams, Brandon Vigliarolo, Jessica Lyons Hardcastle, and host Iain Thomson.

From the meeting notes, the discussion focused on the challenges of combating ransomware attacks and the proposal to ban ransom payments as a potential solution. The team expressed a willingness to engage in a debate regarding the effectiveness of such a ban, as outlined in an opinion piece by colleague Jess. Additionally, the conversation delved into the disturbing tactics employed by criminals to exert further pressure on victims, including threats to involve law enforcement in serious situations. The team also highlighted the key participants for today’s show. Overall, the meeting notes provide valuable insights into the ongoing efforts to address the ransomware threat.

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