Coming Soon to a Network Near You: More Shadow IoT

Coming Soon to a Network Near You: More Shadow IoT

January 11, 2024 at 10:41AM

Former Microsoft product head Panos Panay has left to lead Amazon’s product division, aiming to enhance their device ecosystem, including Alexa, Echo, and Fire TV. The rising number of IoT devices presents security concerns, especially as consumer devices infiltrate commercial networks. Amazon’s plans to expand its device range could compound existing security challenges for enterprises.

After reviewing the meeting notes, here are the key takeaways:

1. Panos Panay, formerly of Microsoft, has joined Amazon to lead their product division focusing on developing a “device ecosystem,” which currently consists of Alexa, Echo, and Fire TV brands. The strategic vision for this ecosystem has yet to be announced, but it is a significant move for Amazon’s product innovation.

2. The Internet of Things (IoT) industry is rapidly growing, with a projected 30 billion IoT devices in use by 2027. This increase in IoT devices poses a significant security threat, especially as consumer IoT devices are already operating in commercial networks and introducing security gaps.

3. The presence of undiscovered and vulnerable IoT devices represents a major challenge for security teams. Amazon’s success in shipping millions of Echo devices and their further expansion into new categories of products will compound existing security challenges for organizations, especially those unprepared for the increased risk.

4. Enterprise IT networks will soon become even harder to defend as a result of the flood of new consumer IoT devices. IT security leaders must proactively address the security risks associated with the proliferation of these devices within their networks.

In light of these developments, it is imperative for cybersecurity professionals to closely monitor the implications of Amazon’s product expansion and be prepared to address the security risks associated with the increasing prevalence of IoT devices in commercial networks.

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