January 17, 2024 at 04:23PM
Google has patched a high-severity zero-day bug in Chrome Web browser (CVE-2024-0519) actively exploited by attackers, enabling code execution and other cyberattacks. This is the first Chrome zero-day in 2024 and the second in less than a month. Chrome’s vulnerability disclosures increased over the years, making it a prime target for attackers.
From the meeting notes, the key takeaways include:
– Google has patched a high-severity zero-day bug (CVE-2024-0519) in its Chrome Web browser that attackers are actively exploiting, marking the second zero-day in the browser within a calendar month.
– The vulnerability is a memory corruption security bug in Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, enabling attackers to access sensitive information, crash systems, modify data, and inject malicious code.
– Google disclosed a total of 43 zero-day bugs in Chrome between January 2019 and January 2024, with 17 of them affecting the V8 JavaScript engine.
– Chrome accounts for nearly 65% of browser market share worldwide, making it a prime target for attackers due to its large customer base and widespread usage for accessing various online content.
– Other browser technologies, such as Apple’s WebKit, have also drawn significant researcher and attacker interest, with a growing concern over browser attacks pushing organizations to implement measures for securing browser use.
These takeaways highlight the urgency for organizations to address browser security vulnerabilities and deploy controls to mitigate potential browser-borne attacks.