Wyden Releases Documents Confirming the NSA Buys Americans’ Internet Browsing Records

Wyden Releases Documents Confirming the NSA Buys Americans' Internet Browsing Records

January 26, 2024 at 05:12PM

Senator Ron Wyden released documents revealing that the NSA purchases Americans’ internet records, prompting a call for intelligence agencies to cease buying unlawfully obtained personal data from data brokers. Wyden emphasized the need for legal and ethical data practices, highlighting the potential privacy violations and the lack of informed consent from individuals.

From the meeting notes, it is clear that U.S. Senator Ron Wyden is calling on the administration to ensure that intelligence agencies stop buying personal data from Americans that has been obtained illegally. He has released documents confirming that the National Security Agency is purchasing Americans’ internet records, raising concerns about privacy violations. In a letter to the Director of National Intelligence, Wyden is urging the adoption of a policy that only allows intelligence agencies to purchase data about Americans that meets legal standards established by the FTC.

Senator Wyden has also fought for public acknowledgement of the NSA’s purchase of Americans’ internet records for nearly three years and has highlighted the potential privacy risks associated with web browsing records. He has revealed that federal government agencies have purchased and searched Americans’ private records without warrants, seemingly circumventing the Fourth Amendment. Additionally, Wyden is pushing for intelligence agencies to conduct an inventory of the personal data purchased about Americans and to promptly purge the data that does not meet the FTC’s legal standards for personal data sales.

In summary, Senator Wyden is advocating for stricter regulations on the purchase and use of Americans’ private data by intelligence agencies and has proposed specific actions for compliance with the FTC’s latest rulings.

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