FBI confirms it issued remote kill command to blow out Volt Typhoon’s botnet

FBI confirms it issued remote kill command to blow out Volt Typhoon's botnet

January 31, 2024 at 02:27PM

China’s Volt Typhoon cyber attackers utilized outdated Cisco and NetGear routers infected with malware to target US critical infrastructure facilities. The FBI intercepted the attack, harvested key data, then wiped the KV Botnet. FBI Director Christopher Wray warned of China targeting US communications, energy, transportation, and water sectors. Law enforcement remotely accessed and cleaned compromised routers. US agencies issued an alert urging router manufacturers to enhance security measures.

Key takeaways from the meeting notes:

1. Chinese hackers used outdated Cisco and NetGear routers infected with malware to target US critical infrastructure facilities.
2. The FBI successfully blocked the malicious network and harvested key data before remotely wiping the KV Botnet.
3. FBI Director Christopher Wray stated that China’s hackers are targeting American civilian critical infrastructure, pre-positioning for potential real-world harm in the event of conflict.
4. The attackers downloaded a virtual private network module to the vulnerable routers to control the botnet and hide their activities.
5. Law enforcement obtained warrants to remotely install software on the routers, search for illicit activity, and then seize or copy information before wiping the malware.
6. The FBI sent specific KV Botnet commands to compromised routers to collect non-content information and identify infected nodes.
7. The Feds, along with foreign agency partners, first warned about this threat in May 2023.
8. The US Cybersecurity Agency and FBI issued an alert urging manufacturers to address defects in SOHO router web management interfaces, including automating update capabilities and improving security settings.

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